Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The last time she laughed
A world more difficult than this
Relaxed its haunted form 
And let passion flash full
Drunk with the night
Made mad with rhythm

A spirit of glorious amusement filled
Each open heart
With sweet song
So ripe and warm
So soft and deep
That every wild rose could imagine its soul
Changed from ancient dream to new symbol

Saturday, May 22, 2010

 Is Beauty
Behind this business
of never having perspective

I've been aware
That I get weak
When I see her
But I would not tell her so

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What if life was never the drama
You imagined it was
Only life and death and everything in between
Without any villains or monsters

Just an open canvas
There for whatever you want to make
No evil, no hero, no author but you
Day by day
From dust to dust
Always here, always now


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

 I changed my life
by giving up almost
willing only always

Saturday, May 15, 2010

But now
My heart
Full of a future love
It's an enormous ocean
It has eternity
As its vivid language
And has no agenda
But now